A backyard vegetable garden in early summer.
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Growing a backyard vegetable garden is an exciting and rewarding experience. There are so many benefits to having your own vegetable garden in the comfort of your backyard. 


Not only can you enjoy fresh and healthy produce, but it’s also an enjoyable way to get some exercise and spend time outdoors. 


If you’ve been thinking about starting a vegetable garden, there are plenty of reasons why you should take the plunge.


From the cost-saving benefits to the satisfaction of growing your own food, you’ll quickly learn that starting a backyard vegetable garden is one of the most rewarding projects you can undertake

A raised bed with various lettuce and peas growing.Pin

The Benefits of Gardening

Gardening is a great way to get some exercise and enjoy the outdoors while also growing your own delicious food. 


Before you get started, it’s important to pick the right spot for your garden. The key is finding an area that gets at least 6 hours of full sun each day. 


If possible, shoot for a 10 foot by 10 foot or 12 foot by 12 foot area, but if that’s not feasible, start smaller. Any shape is acceptable, so go with whatever suits your needs.


One popular gardening method is lasagna gardening, where organic materials like newspaper and cardboard are layered in the garden to create a nutrient-rich soil. This method requires fewer materials and can be done quickly with minimal effort.

Raised Beds


If you’re feeling more ambitious and have some building skills, you can build framed raised beds. Although this will require more materials and cost more than traditional gardening, it can be worth it to make it easier to tend your plants and provide extra space.


Another option is to buy raised metal beds. These beds are cost effective and easy to put together.


If you’re looking for a fast and budget-friendly way to install a vegetable garden, you can roll out newspaper and cardboard over the lawn and cover it with soil. This method is quick, easy, and doesn’t require any special tools or materials.

The Equipment You Need To Get Started

If you’re worried about the amount of work, then it’s best to start small. 


You don’t have to have a perfect square – the garden can be any shape or size. To mark off the area, use string or rope. When you remove the sod, you can use it to fill in bare patches, start a compost pile, or create a lasagna garden bed.

For other methods of starting a new vegetable garden, such as raised beds, soil mix will be needed. Consider making your own DIY potting soil or filling a raised bed with a recipe.

Remember to always focus on making your garden an enjoyable experience.


Don’t get overwhelmed with the details – start small and enjoy the process!

How to remove grass:

Removing the sod or grass requires a proper shovel and an edger. Use the edger to cut out small squares to be removed. Next, use a flat shovel to get underneath the grass and lift up. The grass should lift up easily. 


Finally, you may want to lay down a weed barrier to suppress unwanted weeds from growing. It will save you a lot of time in the long run.




An in ground vegetable bed with a fabric guard.Pin
A weed barrier such as the one in the picture can help make it easier come weeding time.

Choosing the Right Location

When it comes to gardening, location is key! You want to make sure you pick a spot that gets plenty of sunlight, at least 6-8 hours a day, as well as good air circulation. 


In addition, you’ll need to consider things like soil quality and water access. Moreover, make sure the soil is rich in organic matter and has good drainage. If you don’t have access to a hose or other water source, try collecting rainwater for your garden.

Sun Exposure

You also want to consider the orientation of your garden plot in relation to the sun. If you live in a northern hemisphere, south-facing gardens will get the most direct sunlight, while north-facing gardens will get less direct sunlight and can be better suited for plants that require some shade.


Finally, think about how much space you have available for your garden. A small plot of land can easily be transformed into a beautiful and productive vegetable garden, but if you have more space, you can create a larger garden with different varieties of vegetables.


Ultimately, choosing the right location for your garden is essential to ensure your plants have everything they need to grow and flourish. With a bit of thought and research, you can find the perfect spot for your vegetable garden and enjoy fresh, homegrown produce all season long!

Radishes harvested from our backyard vegetable garden.Pin

Choosing the Right Vegetables to Grow

There are many vegetables you can grow in your garden, depending on your climate, soil type, and growing conditions. The best advice I can give you is to plant what your and your family love to eat!


Here are a few of the most popular and easy-to-grow vegetables that can make great additions to your garden:


Tomatoes – Tomatoes are a classic garden favorite and will thrive in sunny areas. Make sure you provide adequate support for the plants, such as cages or stakes.


Peppers– Peppers come in a variety of colors and flavors, from spicy to sweet. They prefer warm weather and will do best in a sheltered location.


Carrots – Carrots need loose, well-drained soil and full sun for optimal growth. Plant them early in the season and harvest when they are between two and three inches long.


Beets – Beets require moist soil and partial shade, so plant them in an area with dappled sunlight. If planted correctly, they can be harvested all season long.


Kale – Kale is hardy and easy to grow, as long as it’s provided with ample space and plenty of water. It can be harvested from late summer through early spring.


Squash – Squash does best in well-draining, rich soil and full sun. Choose varieties that are suited for your climate and growing conditions.


Cucumbers – Cucumbers like to take up space. Consider installing a trellis to grow them vertically. Not only will this make it easier to harvest cucumbers, but you will allow more space top plant other vegetables. Provide them with consistent moisture and harvest them when they are six to eight inches long.


These are just some of the many vegetables you can grow in your garden. For more ideas, talk to your local gardening experts or browse online resources to get ideas on what works best in your area. 


With a little bit of planning, you’ll be able to enjoy fresh produce right from your own backyard.P

A raised bed vegetable garden.Pin
Raised beds are a great alternative for a backyard vegetable garden.

Caring for Your Vegetable Garden

Taking care of a vegetable garden is an important part of the process of growing your own food. In addition, the time and effort you invest in caring for your vegetable garden will determine the health and productivity of your garden. 


Finally, there are many important elements to consider when caring for a vegetable garden, such as watering, weeding, fertilizing, pest control, and harvesting.

What you will need to do:


Watering: Proper watering is essential for successful vegetable gardening. Water deeply and consistently so that the soil is moist but not soggy. You may need to water more often during dry or hot weather. Monitor the soil moisture by digging down several inches to see if it’s dry or wet.


Weeding: Weeds compete with vegetables for resources and can reduce yields if they are not removed. A fabric guard is a great addition to a garden. It will suppress weeds before they germinate. 


Hand pulling is the most effective and eco-friendly way to control weeds in a vegetable garden. I use a weeding hoe, both a hand held and stand up version to make this task easier.


For larger areas, use a hoe or tiller to remove weeds. Mulching is also helpful in keeping weeds at bay.


Fertilizing: Fertilizer helps to replenish nutrients that are lost from the soil over time. Use organic fertilizers such as compost, manure, or fish emulsion for your vegetable garden. Apply the fertilizer at the recommended rate for the type of vegetable you are growing.


Pest Control: Pests can cause significant damage to a vegetable garden if not controlled. To prevent pests from infesting your garden, practice good cultural practices such as rotating crops and avoiding planting closely related vegetables next to each other. 


One of the best practices you can employ as a gardener is companion gardening. By planting beneficial plants next to your crop, you can deter pests that would otherwise make a feast of your precious vegetables.


If pests become a problem, use non-chemical methods such as hand-picking pests, using beneficial insects, or spraying with an organic insecticidal soap or Neem oil.


Harvesting: Knowing when to harvest your vegetables is important for ensuring the best flavor and texture. Different vegetables have different harvesting requirements, so research the best time to harvest your specific vegetable. Generally, you want to pick your vegetables when they are at their peak of ripeness and before they start to deteriorate.


Caring for a vegetable garden can be a rewarding experience that provides you with fresh, healthy produce. With proper care and attention, you can enjoy a productive vegetable garden for many years to come.

Final Thoughts

Starting a vegetable garden can be a fun and rewarding experience, allowing you to grow your own food and enjoy fresh vegetables whenever you want. 

Not only will it save you money in the long run, but it can also provide a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. 

Before you get started, make sure you have the proper equipment, choose the right location for your garden, and research the best vegetables for your region. With a bit of patience and care, you will be enjoying fresh produce from your own backyard in no time! 

Let us know in the comments below what you plan on planting this season!

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